Diasporal®. For life on the move.

Your Magnesium.

Diasporal®. For life on the move.


People who face physical and mental challenges in their lives need to take special care of their bodies. Whether you exercise a lot or just carry on your daily routine, getting the right amount of magnesium is essential for an active life. The Magnesium-Diasporal® range has the right product to support you in every situation.

Always in great company

Quality of life means being able to stay active, perform our daily tasks and enjoy ourselves any way we like. One of the keys to this is magnesium. This mineral helps us to be physically and mentally fit in any situation, even when we face new challenges – like Andrea and Stephan*. They live life on the move. Magnesium-Diasporal® is an important everyday ally.

*All characters are fictitious.

Ready for new goals in life: Andrea and Stephan

Magnesium – The essential companion

The mineral magnesium
Magnesium is involved in a number of key processes in the body and is therefore essential to life. What exactly does the mineral do?
Magnesium deficiency
Magnesium deficiency can produce a wide range of symptoms. What are the causes and which symptoms can occur?
Requirement calculator